AbstraitGalerie Shop

We provide art commissions and writing commissions services ✧

Normal Style

TypeColored SketchSimple ShadeFull Render
HeadshotIDR 65K ($10)IDR 80K ($15)IDR 120K ($20)
Bust upIDR 85K ($15)IDR 100K ($20)IDR 150K ($25)
Waist upIDR 100K ($20)IDR 130K ($25)IDR 180K ($30)
HalfbodyIDR 120K ($25)IDR 150K ($30)IDR 220K ($40)
Knee upIDR 150K ($30)IDR 170K ($35)IDR 250K ($45)
FullbodyIDR 170K ($40)IDR 200K ($45)IDR 300K ($50)

Chibi Style

TypeBase ColourSimple ShadFull Render
Bust upIDR 70K ($8)IDR 80K ($10)IDR 100K ($15)
HalfbodyIDR 100K ($8)IDR 120K ($10)IDR 150K ($25)
FullbodyIDR 120K ($10)IDR 150K ($20)IDR 200K ($35)
  • Price for couple x2

  • Prices for background details start from IDR 80K / $15 (normal style) IDR 50K / $10 (chibi style)

  • There will be an additional fee for detailed clothing

  • There will be an additional charge for commercial use

  • There will be a fee if you want to finish by the deadline

  • Work on commissions according to the queue

  • Commissions work around 1-2 weeks. Please check the progress link provided!

• Ocs• Nsfw
• Chara x oc / Chara x chara• Old people
• Couple BL/GL/HL• Gore / blood
• Kemonomimi / animals ear and tail• Mecha
• Real people• Chara Canon x Dan Heng (Yumeship with Dan Heng/DanCae; very allowed)
• Armor 
• Fanart 

We also provide services for making sketch, linearts or coloring your drawings too
Kami juga menyediakan jasa membuat sketch, lineart atau mewarnai gambarmu (ㆁωㆁ)

Sketch Service

TypeNormal styleChibi style
Headshot - bust up70k ($10)40k ($8)
Waist up - halfbody80k ($15)50k ($10)
Knee up - fullbody120k ($20)70k ($15)

Lineart Service

TypeNormal StyleChibi Style
Headshot - Bust upIDR 80K ($15)IDR 60K ($10)
Waist up - HalfbodyIDR 100K ($20)IDR 70K ($15)
Knee up - FullbodyIDR 150K ($25)IDR 80K ($20)

Coloring Service (fullrender)

TypeNormal StyleChibi Style
Headshot - Bust upIDR 100K ($10)IDR 50K ($8)
Waist up - HalfbodyIDR 150K ($25)IDR 70K ($10)
Knee up - FullbodyIDR 170K ($35)IDR 100K ($20)

Term and condition

  • [Eng]

  • The canvas size used is 4K / HD

  • Do not claim or edit the artwork or sell it as NFT.

  • Please give me the References and details when you request. Would appreciate Picture references than texts. Discussion is allowed.

  • Revision three times.

  • Contact us if you want to order, we will give you the order format.

  • If you provide an example of a pose, it will be greatly appreciated, the drawing process can be faster.

  • TAT between one week - one month, this depends on how many orders are requested and the difficulty of the drawing.

  • We do not accept deadlines. Except orders for lineart and coloring services.

  • If you want to use art, please credit me properly.

  • Final result will be sent via email/gdrive in two formats, PNG and JPEG.

  • Artwork will be displayed as a sample. You can tell us immediately if you mind.

  • [Indo]

  • Ukuran canvas yang dipakai yakni 4K / HD

  • Jangan mengclaim, mengedit, atau menjual hasil karya sebagai NFT.

  • Kirimkan referensi dan detail ketika kamu memberikan request. Referensi gambar lebih diapresiasi dibanding deskripsi tulisan. Diskusi dipersilahkan.

  • Revisi sebanyak 3 kali.

  • Hubungi kami lewat salah satu media kontak, kami akan memberikan format pesanan.

  • Jika kamu memberikan contoh pose, ini akan sangat diapresiasi, proses pengerjaan juga akan lebih cepat.

  • Pengerjaan sekitar seminggu sampai sebulan, tergantung dari jumlah antrian, jumlah pesanan, atau kesulitan gambar.

  • Pesanan dengan deadline tertentu akan dikenakan fee tambahan

  • Jika ingin menggunakan hasil gambar, tolong beri kredit pada kami.

  • Hasil akhir akan dikirim lewat email /gdrive dalam format PNG dan JPEG.

  • Artwork akan dipajang sebagai sampel. Jika kamu keberatan, segera beritahu kami.